Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Try to Keep Up...Part 2

I am at work right now, sad for a thousand in particularly...I just ate a tuna sandwich and Greek salad and one of the two is lodged into my back tooth. Not a major stressor in life, but annoying and I have no toothbrush or floss on hand...I really need to figure something out or I just might cry. Trust me people...I am on edge. I am on edge because I have a test and 4 hours of class tonight, followed by a desperate trip to the grocery store which sounds awful. But very necessary, because another reason I am sad is because I have been eating like 500 calories a day and that is far from the necessary 2000 or so that I need. Normally that would be sort of "anorexic-ish" and "fine" but its a little different when you are carrying a baby. I mean they NEED to eat! They are trying to start a life of their own and a cup of pineapples, 3 carrots and half eaten spaghetti wont do the trick for them. Okay, I know that I flew right by that so I will stop and address the fact that YES, we are going to have a baby...Lord willing:) Fun right?? We are 10 weeks and 5 days. (Thank you Texas (and SOME Memphis) people that can actually keep a secret. I am really proud to call you my friends:) ) We weren't just trying to be secretive, I have never been very good at that. We just wanted to use this time to pray and thank and hope in the Lord. We suffered a miscarriage in September and truly found that "hope deferred makes the heart sick" so we just wanted to be more personal about it this time for awhile while we wrapped our hearts around either outcome and find that now, though anything is possible, we would like for everyone we know to share in our joy. So, though I am adverse to food and struggling eating the baby makes me extremely happy, maybe the hormones are also why I find myself wanting to cry because I have a test...I don't normally like tests, but to date I have never cried about it. So that's another update for us.

I was going to do this grand California (where we went for our anniversary trip) update but I forgot my camera OF COURSE and so that really ruined things. We had so many great Kodak moments and the camera was sitting at home in Memphis. Overall it REALLY was a great time. We needed to get away from everyday life. California was........COLD!!! but we still had fun even though I wore the same thing everyday or a version of it because I packed shorts and tank tops. I am running out of time so I can't tell you about standing in line for 5 hours to fulfill my childhood dream of being on the Price is Right only to be cut 5 people away from getting in and I can't tell you about passing up the opportunity to be an extra in a new comedy because of the stupid Price is Right. I can't tell you about anything, because sitting at a desk for 6 hours makes your butt numb and I get off in 6 minutes so I can't linger. But if the news isn't too old I will tell it eventually but probably not. It was a great time...but its one of those things like a mission trip that rehashing just doesn't do justice to. Okay, now the numbness is crawling into my thigh and I still have this damn tuna/lettuce in my tooth. I better run...I should probably stop saying "damn" before our baby is born... Love you guys!! (And I am continually praying for all my sweet moms who have recently had "Glory Babies" themselves. Love you girls, I rejoice when you rejoice and mourn when you mourn and I can't wait to rejoice with you again!)

Til later,


Dana said...

awwww yeaaahhh babbyyy timmeeee!!! I am happy that I'll be around to see you in this beautiful experience!

Kryssy said...

omg!!! I was like.. BABY? WHA? lol.
I am sooooo happy for you guys... that's gonna be one good looking kid. lol

The Hunters said...

Dawntoya I am so happy for you. I could really relate as I was reading this post. In so many ways. How sweet it is to carry life inside of you, and just'll want to eat again here pretty soon. I'm 14 weeks, so I'm just a little ahead of you. Congratulations!

Ashleigh Carroll said...

YAY!!! Congrats girl. So excited for you. And let me know if you need me to come show you how to eat. I'm REALLY good at it.

Amber said...

Yay I had a feeling that was it when you put it into Part 1 and Part 2... Yay I am so excited for you! I will continue to pray for you as I always do! I love and miss you so much...We need a reunion! Congrats to you Both!

B-HO said...

OMG!!!I want you to know that the Holy Spirit really burdened me for ya'll the other day...and revealed it to me in prayer...I KNEW IT!!!PRAISE HIS NAME GIRL!!!CONGRATS!!

Elizabeth Nouri said...

WOOOAHOO! I am SOO excited and shocked. I had NO IDEA! (did that sound convincing???) =)... i can't wait... and don't listen to Darragh.. i'm a GREAT babysitter!

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

I JUST CRIED AT WORK DAMNIT!!!!!! You are a very good secret keeper. I now understand your tiredness on g-chat and your lack of G-CHATTING WITH me trying to keep that little secret of yours! GEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!
I'm so excited!

Sum said...

AMEN this is out in the open. Now I can obsess about Baby Em in the open now. I will start my blog to petition for the God-Mother petition soon. get ready.


lecia said...

How wonderful!!!!!!! I am thrilled for you guys! Hope deferred does make the heart sick but it also makes rejoicing times that much more joyful, thankful, and so not taken for granted...oh how treasured your little one is!

Hayley B said...

YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!! I am so excited for you guys :) I know that this probably brings so much peace and hope and healing. No wonder you cried when you got my message :) love you girl and I can never thank you enough for what you have ment to me through this time. I am overjoyed for you! Hey if it's a girl I have a great name...HAYLEY...haha totally kidding. Love you

Erin said...

YEA!!!!!! So excited to be sharing in this together! Food is coming soon...and energy! Hope this week has been a good one!

The Ice House said...

LOVE YOU DAWN!!! I'm so excited about your tall baby to come!
Praise God!

Them Chandlers said...

Yay :) Love you, girl!

Meredith said...

Yea!! Congrats to y'all! Love your new blog layout too. Did Tiffany do it for you?

Nat Pat said...

yay! so excited for you guys! oh, and sometimes if i'm desperate, i will pluck a hair and use that to floss. don't judge me. sometimes you just can't take it any longer. love you, friend.

Lauren Williams said...

ha! that's cracking me up about the tuna- surely it's out by now but those guys can be persistent! and OF COURSE! i am so glad to celebrate publicly!!!!!!!! Dawn please EAT! i want your tummy to be huge!! i LOVE huge prego tummies!! (i am sure i will eat those words at some point in life!)

faith bleecker said...

I'm so excited for you both! I was just thinking about you guys the other day and wondering if there would be a pregnancy announcement soon. I'm just 3 weeks after you!

David, Emily and Sammy said...

Congratulations, Dawntoya! That's so exciting!

The Faris Fam said...

Oh my gosh! I am so behind! I had no idea you were prego!!!! That is so awesome Dawn!!! How long have you guys been trying? Wow!!