Friday, October 17, 2008

Why Donald Miller is Voting for Barack Obama

This is a very well spoken interview with Donald Miller, but it doesnt intrigue me because of its eloquence, but rather because of the truth in it. This isnt a ploy to get you to vote for Obama, but it really just struck a chord with me. I feel as though he says almost everything that I want to say to some people who vote "Christian" (ha) or for the party of their family, or who have made Christianity all about Gay Marriage and Abortion, or in my opinion more shameful then all..."uneducatedly." Its a great read if nothing else and I know we all love Donald:) So, this is just something for my friends to read in hopes that maybe those who havent been following will read more articles and watch missed debates or interviews. I have heard lots say, "I havent really been paying attention, but I think I will vote for so and so.." EEK! Scary. Anywho, for the random people that find my blog and like to argue, dont bother....dont have the time. But if you are a friend with questions...we can talk.

Til Later,


Ashleigh Carroll said...

Hmmm...interesting. I am definitely undecided, but find it interesting that the main issue in a lot of that was still abortion.

There was a rather lengthy comment towards the top of the discussion that questions what exactly might happen under an Obama administration on that particular issue.

The thing is, I find neither party fully acceptable and wonder how anyone can be so fully convinced that they would spend time and energy campaigning, when ultimately, our only hope is Christ. Thoughts?

Dawntoya and Adam said...

Hey! I think the reason that the main issue is still abortion is because the interviewer (as a Christian looking for answers for conservatives) keeps bringing the issue up. I dont think thats wrong of the interviewer, I just think he does it because that is one of the only reasons Christians wont vote for Obama. When though its a very serious issue, conservatives dont necessarily question the unbiblical economic policies of John Mccain. Both are equally wrong. And Millers point isnt really to defend his position, but rather to say..."But what have pro-life Republicans actually done about the issue?"

I definitely find neither party acceptable and personally know that my only hope is in Christ, but I believe you can still campaign for something (dont we do it all the time...the environment, peace etc.) simply because it causes change and we can fight to push back darkness and do what it takes to help the oppressed even though in the end Christ will return and our souls will be required of us. We all campaign for things hoping to be good stewards of the day until Christ returns and I really think thats ok. Fun questions:)

Its a tough year and decision but I am personally over the bashing and negative campaigns that as a Christian neither would do if they were really concerned with keeping every commandment of Christ. You cant hold to one letter of the law and ignore the other. Sheesh.

Ashleigh Carroll said...

Here's an interesting article on the Obama abortion issue:

Just food for thought.

Ashleigh Carroll said...

I agree with you D that we should push back against the hold that the enemy has on the world, in whatever way we can.

For years Christian activists (Dobson, Falwell, etc.) have advocated for the other team, so it's kind of refreshing for at least another voice.

Sum said...

Good read. I still find myself technically "undecided" but I know which way I'm leaning. It's hard when like you said, both sides have equally wrong or unbiblical stances on subjects.

on a non-political note: I miss you!!

lecia said...

This was interesting and informative...since I was a little girl I have not understood dogmatic....humility that is what comes to matter what side you land on...

Natasha Baker said...
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Natasha Baker said...

Hey! Thanks for the post!! I can't say that I agree with Don Miller, or that I am voting for Obama, but I really appreciate you putting yourself out there!! It's been an interesting election to say the least!